Advertising is a marketing tool that promotes your product, brand or service to the target audience. Advertising is also considered as a brand communicator which figures out the best points of a particular product or service and talks about it to the targeted audience.
Let us have a look at the various forms of advertising:
Outdoor Advertising/ OOH Advertising
Outdoor Advertising also known as OOH Advertising is that type of promotion which is carried out of home. Examples of Outdoor Advertising include kiosks, digital signage, billboards, sky-scrapers, hoardings etc. All these mediums of OOH Advertising promote your brand or service to the targeted audience.
Airport Advertising
Some of the best places for outdoor advertising include the roads and spaces. One often gets too see big hoardings at airports. These large hoardings differ from other outdoor hoardings. However, it’s an open fact that the larger ad space you occupy, the better exposure your brand or service gets. And that’s how the cookies crumble in Airport Advertising. Most of the brands and companies take help of Airport Advertising because of this plus factor.
Television Advertising
Television Advertising is one of the most popular ways of promoting any brand, service or product. The usual time slot of television advertisement falls between 30 and 60 seconds. An advertiser needs to buy a certain time span during which the TV commercial will be shown. It is also important to choose the channel in which you want to advertise your brand or service. Television channels have different terms and conditions which the advertiser needs to sign up before broadcasting his advertisement. Audio-visual in nature, Television Advertising is the more preferred medium of promotion as compared to other mediums.
Radio Advertising
Radio Advertising is one of the older ways to promote brands or services. This type of advertisement however renders effective results since it is easily reachable to the mass. Portable in nature, radio advertising needs no special consideration like computer or television and never affects your time. Voted as one of the effective means of promotion radio advertisements are still favourites among the masses.
Print Advertising
Print Advertising includes newspapers, magazines, journals, flyers, brochures and other printed materials. This mode of advertisement is limited only to the literates. Considered as one of the oldest modes of promotion, print advertising is equally effective in creating an impact upon the masses till date.
Internet and Mobile Advertising
Internet and Mobile Advertising is the latest tool or technique used by advertisers all over the world. With the booming popularity of web, this type of advertisement takes a rapid pace. More number of entrepreneurs and companies are now focussing on their online presence and advertisements. Internet and Mobile advertising is becoming a hot cake and is becoming the most preferred channel of advertisement.
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