Friday, May 3, 2013

How Advertising influences us?

We live in a society in which promotion messages bombard through many mediums of communication. Television Advertising, Radio Advertising, Print Advertising and Outdoor Advertising displays surround us everywhere. Advertising has become a part of our culture as much as it is a marketing tool for brand owners. Many brand commercials influence our buying behaviour and also generate a sense of awareness among us. Traditional sources of brand communication such as television advertising, radio advertising, print advertising etc. have been communicating valuable brand messages to us.

With the launch of new-age media, a new paradigm is observed in advertising field. Apart from television, radio, print or outdoor media internet and mobile phone devices have also emerged as in-demand means of brand communication among brand owners.  The internet revolution has brought about drastic and dramatic changes in brand advertising.  The day seems not so far away when internet advertising will dominate every other medium of advertising. Marketers nevertheless opine that other advertising mediums will also be relevant as far as brand owners prefer to have gamut of choices about the media vehicles.

Most of the brand owners prefer to launch their campaigns through multiple channels of advertising to ensure that the brand message effectively reaches out to the potential target audience. It is indeed advantageous for every brand owner to launch his ad campaign through multiple channels of communication. Also known as media mix in marketing terminology, launching a promotion campaign through multiple media ensures effective reach among target groups.

Norms of advertising   may keep changing from time to time. Many tools of advertising may also be introduced or redefined in the near future. In all these, advertisers have to be ready with their promotional strategies to position their brands in the market. A continuous study on the changing trends of brand promotion is also a must for every brand owner.

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