Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Advertising from advertiser’s perspective!

We watch many brand commercials on television; we also come across many forms of print, outdoor or online ads. Advertising messages reach us right at our homes except outdoor ads. Whether we ask for it or not, a brand is advertised, the message is conveyed. In this blog, let us discuss advertising from the perspective of an advertiser who is assigned to promote the product in the market, generate maximum awareness about it and finally enhance sales of the same. 

Market i.e. the place where the campaign will be launched should be a primary concern for the advertiser.  A detail study on the market is a must to begin with. The rest of the promotion plans can be worked out accordingly to the nature of the market. For example, if it’s a big market, the advertiser has to spend more on the particular medium of communication so that the brand message is not missed. If otherwise, he can plan for a low-budget campaign of the product. A few ranges of advertising means such as television advertising, radio advertising, print advertising, outdoor advertising etc. are available. The advertiser as per the campaign brief and the nature of the market can choose the right means of communication. 

Another important criterion for a successful advertising campaign is to decide the budget of the campaign. Budget to a great extent decides the medium of communication to be used for the campaign. If the brand owner is ready to spend more, there is no restraint on the advertisers’ part to launch the campaign through a channel that reaches out to maximum number of target groups.  The final decision of how much to spend for the overall campaign however is upto to the brand owner. The advertiser therefore has to consult with the brand owner before opting for the best means of communicating his product message. 

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