Monday, November 14, 2011

On determining your advertising plan

Especially for newbies, making an entry in the market through an ad campaign sounds tedious and challenging. However, if you know some tips on determining the advertising plan of your product, it will be easier for you to make an entry in the market. In today’s blog, let us discuss some strategies that will help a brand owner develop an effective advertising plan of his product.

The first and foremost step is to determine who your customers are and where they are. Also known as demographic survey, a research on the buying behaviour of customers is an important strategy every brand owner should implement. An advertising campaign targets a specific target group who would readily accept the brand message. For example, a biscuit advertisement would be of interest for kids and their parents while a perfume ad would grasp attention of youngsters who have a craze for cosmetics or anything that would enhance their lifestyle. What is important is to present your brand message accordingly to their behavioral norm. 

Secondly, you should study and find out the best ways to convey your message to your prospects. If you think television advertising is going to be an effective channel of communicating your brand message then go for it.  Radio Advertising, Print Advertising, Outdoor Advertising and Online Advertising are other means through which you can convey your brand message. Conduct a thorough research and then only choose the right means of communicating your brand message. 

If you are looking for a cost-friendly medium of advertising to promote your brand, you should compare and contrast the budget of all the ad channels. Sometimes affordable means of advertising also work wonders for a brand. So, never underestimate any medium of advertising while finalizing your promotion plan. As mentioned earlier, study and thorough research are two important strategies to launch an effective advertising campaign of your product.

1 comment:

Mary said...

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