Friday, December 9, 2011

On choosing the right channel of advertising your brand!

Spreading words about your business or otherwise known as advertising is one of the important marketing steps. If you are ready to spread news about your brand and its features, you first need to select the right media where you will advertise and promote your brand. Some criterions should be of course considered before launching the advertising campaign of your brand such as –

ü Who are you targeting through the advertising campaign?

ü Which medium will be the best one to reach them?

ü How much you can spend to launch the ad campaign?

Among these, selecting the right medium to send out your brand message is quite important. A strong advertising media provides the targeted impact among customers. A poor ad channel may fail to influence customers’ attention. Also remember that the right media for one business may be wrong for another. There is no hard and fast rule in brand advertising that particular channel will work best for your brand. As a brand owner, you have to be tactful while choosing the right medium of launching your promotion campaign. Television Advertising, Radio Advertising, Print Advertising, Outdoor Advertising and Online Advertising are some formats through which you can promote your brand. Conduct a thorough research on each and every advertising channel, study your promotion objective and choose the right channel of advertising your brand among TG.

Every advertising medium has its own advantages and disadvantages. While chalking the promotion plan, you should have an in depth idea about the various mediums of advertising and their pros and cons. Choose that particular ad media which will convey your brand message to customers with a rich impact. For example, for FMCG products, television advertising would be the right means to reach out to the TG. The logic is simple. FMCG products are mostly purchased by home makers who love watching television for soaps and serials and also the various brand commercials. If the brand message sounds useful or interesting to them, they would visit the nearby stores to make the purchase.

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