Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Role of an Advertising medium in rebranding

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The importance of advertising is never lessened. It instead keeps increasing with many changes occurring in the market from time to time. Whether it is rebranding or new launch of a product in the market advertising is an important marketing tool through which the brand owner can create buzz among buyer groups and persuade them to adopt the product. In this blog, let us take a look at the role of an advertising medium while rebranding and reintroducing a product in the market. Some brands need rebranding to create a strong impression among target groups. Rebranding is suggested for those brands that have created their presence in the market for quite a long time.

 The same old look and feel about a product no doubt makes many customers feel good on nostalgic ground. However, considering the ever changing market and the growing number of customers, it is a must to opt for rebranding. Changing the logo or tag line, changing the brand slogan or design scheme, renaming the brand with a new name of modified one form its previous name etc. are some forms of rebranding a product or brand. Once the brand is rebranded, it has to be newly introduced in the market. Advertising plays a vital role while re introducing the brand to its target groups.

 Television Advertising and Print Advertising are two good channels through which a brand can be re-introduced. Radio Advertising may not provide the desired impact due to the lack of visual effect. Television Advertising, Print Advertising or Outdoor Advertising may however provide a rich impact about the brand. By and by, advertisers should wisely choose a particular medium of advertising especially when it comes to rebranding of a product. A minute mistake may result in poor impact of the brand message among target groups.

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