Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Changing trends of Advertising in contemporary India

Think of any brand which is available in the market place since a long period of time. Compare the old advertisements of the brand with the new ones. What change do you observe? A complete makeover right? That is the trend of advertising in contemporary India- renovated and renewed. The following paragraphs will throw some light on some famous trends of advertising about various brands whose presence has seasoned in due course of time.

Generates quick and effective response to customers

What makes an ad campaign successful is the response from the target audience. In order to gain positive response from customers, advertisers have to provide the brand message in such a way that customers find it easy to access and comprehend. advertisers who display their ads through broadcast media have to consider some additional factors such as clarity of sound or musical composition (jingles) associated with the advertised brands for example television and radio commercials which require audio visual features to deliver the brand communication.

Positive message encouraging customers to adopt the brand

Modern ads mostly provide positive brand message thereby encouraging the buying motive of customers. In fact in today’s world of aggressive competition, it is important to create a positive image about a brand to its audiences so that they are encouraged to adopt the product. Anything which is done with goodwill is well appreciated and lasts long. So, while framing the brand message, advertisers should ensure that it provides a positive impact on customers.

Widespread usage of rich technology & media

Modern advertising uses rich technology & media while devising any ad campaign. The widespread usage of such enriched technology & media has resulted in providing an effective brand communication on customers. The induction of rich technology in brand advertising has resulted in providing a rich brand communication to customers at large.

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